The image comes from the Library of Congress collection, featuring hundreds of great shots from the Chicago Daily News.
I made this old Dead Ball Era movie about three years ago using many of those shots...55K views, Holy Cow!
"OPA (Office of Price Administration) lawyers hold nightly hearings for offenders in the pleasure driving regulations. Policemen, accompanied by OPA investigators, stop the drivers, question them. If there is any question about their reason for driving, they are asked to appear at a hearing that same night or any time in the next three days. This man is furious because his gas ration book was taken away when he was caught driving to a baseball game."
"Pittsburgh has been so often described, the advantages and disadvantages of its situation, and the gloomy repulsiveness of its appearance, have been so often and so justly portrayed, that we should not think ourselves well employed in recounting our own observations."